
A nice article on ReadWriteMobile discussing the opportunities and havoc that the Mobile Marketing will have for businesses and consumers. Context (location, time of day) increases relevance to mobile users, but you will still need an appropriate location based action – checking store locations, mcommerce website for shoppers or a mobile optimised website.

Via ReadWriteMobile

These observations aren’t just theoretical. Nearly 29% of consumers who research a product in a retail location through a smartphone end up purchasing that product online. Mobile commerce is expected to be a $163 billion market by 2015. Companies that focus on mobile solutions for consumers will reap the greatest reward. Procter & Gamble could sell more toothbrushes if it used a location-aware price comparison app for shopping lists. Amazon has been a leader in price-comparison shopping and its strength in m-commerce should only grow as the ecosystem expands and smartphone users come to rely on their devices’ in-store utility.

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